
The Multi-STEM project in 2.5 minutes!

Project leader Elma Blom, together with the help of Zahraa Attar and partner NEMO, explains in 2.5 minutes exactly what Multi-STEM does. We are a 6-year research project and have been working closely with our 31 (practice) consortium partners from the very beginning. Would you also like to know what Multi-STEM does? Watch it here.

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Two university students visit a science museum with multilingual families

In this post, two bachelor’s students share their experiences on visiting one of our partner museums with multilingual families. Their experiences give insight into the feelings and thoughts of these families, who are not in the habit of going to science museums in their free time. Curious about what happened? Read the post to find out!

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Multilingual Multiplication: What if using another language is the solution?

A struggle I’ve had as a teacher of newcomers is that students sometimes have difficulty finding the words to show me what they know. Allowing students to translanguage –to use whatever language they feel comfortable expressing themselves in–has been a great way for me as a teacher to enable students to learn at a level that fits them best.

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Views from newcomer children

Newcomer children are rarely involved in shaping their education, even when it comes to issues that matter to them, such as using their home language in learning. How do the children feel about it? What advice do they have?

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‘Can I have the ‘skin-color’?’

Multilingual children may experience a reduced sense of belonging if the linguistic landscape of their school is not representative of their own linguistic and cultural resources. The linguistic landscape of a school refers to all the visible written signs and objects found inside a school, such as in the hallways and in classrooms. By enriching the linguistic landscape, the school could be a more inclusive place for multilingual children.

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“One doesn’t need to cancel the other out”

Anyone who needs a translator will never learn Dutch. Translation apps are for people who don’t want to learn the language. These statements can still be heard in the corners of school hallways in 2023, even amongst professionals working with multilingual families. Nevertheless, here’s a gentle plea for a society in which translation and the will to learn Dutch both have a place.

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How home languages made math click

You learn Dutch by using Dutch, or so I was always told. But is this really true? Hanneke Baart is a teacher of newcomer students and in her experience, the use of the home language can actually increase their understanding of Dutch. When she started looking into this concept, she discovered that researchers had already given it a name: translanguaging.

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How we talk about language matters: #taalachterstand

‘Taalachterstand’ is a controversial word that is often associated with children from minority backgrounds in Dutch schools. Here we present four reasons why we should stop using this word. This is especially important if we are policymakers or educators whose words impact the lives of children and families with a minoritized linguistic background.

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