How can you promote multilingualism in science museums?
Interestingly, “language-free” solutions, such as non-verbal communication, were suggested more often than adding languages to the museum.
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Do You Want To Discuss It In Farsi?
I teach math to group 3 & 4, where several children speak Farsi. In this one instance, one of the students already understood the assignment and another one didn’t. So I said: “Do you want to discuss it in Farsi?”. Four eyes squinted back up at me.
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Math: the Universal Language?
The aim of the ‘home’ project is to explore how caregivers can be empowered through the use of translanguaging strategies. …How can parents and caregivers play a role in previewing certain mathematical concepts in the home language as an introduction to what is learned in class?
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Science Museums Speak More Than One Language
Incorporating families’ home languages, through translanguaging strategies, can lead to increased engagement, curiosity and sense of belonging in science, which is important because migrant and multilingual groups are currently underrepresented in science.
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Children As Co-Researchers
Within the Multi-STEM project, we aim to involve newcomer children as stakeholders and co-researchers. We want them to actively participate and share their thoughts, experiences, and expectations regarding using their home language in education.
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